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Swindon Recital Series - Cole Porter

venue addressSwindon Arts Centre Devizes Road Old Town Wiltshire SN1 4BJ
event dateSunday 15 Dec 2024
event timesClare McCaldin, Paul Sheehan and Stephen Dickinson appear at the Arts Centre on Sunday December 15th at 3pm. Tickets are £19.50 for adults and £16.50 for Seniors and unwaged people, including a theatre administration fee of £1.50. Student tickets are £3.50; accompanied children aged 14 and under are admitted without charge.
There is an additional service charge of £3.95 for each financial transaction undertaken (not for each ticket if you are buying more than one).
telephone 03433100040 for latest times or cancellations.
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Swindon Recital Series - Cole Porter

Cole Porter’s witty lyrics and elegant melodies continue to enchant audiences today, well beyond the life of the shows for which they were first written. The range and number of great performers who have recorded their own versions of Porter’s songs demonstrates the significance of his contribution to popular music. That music’s light touch, however, conceals Porter’s personal story, including a serious horse-riding accident and his complicated life as a gay man in a less accepting era. The songs in this programme reflect on the key themes in Porter’s life and introduce lesser-known gems alongside some of his best-loved tunes.
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