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Bridge of Allan Highland Games

venue addressLocation Map Strathallan Games Park, Airthrey Avenue, Bridge of Allan, Stirling FK9 4RB
event dateSunday 3 Aug 2025
event timesWe offer tickets at various prices. All tickets entitle you to full access to the Highland Games for the duration of the event.
2025 Prices
Adult: £11.00
Children under 16: £5.00
Children under 6 years old: Free
Senior citizens and students £7.00
Family ticket (2 adults and 3 children): £28.00 (online only)
Tickets are sold ‘at the gate’ on the day of the Games and online via Eventbrite (Booking Fee Applies) – we have a large arena so everyone is assured of entry. Parking is free.
telephone 07730691346 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Bridge of Allan Highland Games

Imagine the scene: Colourful pipe bands, elegant highland dancers, huge strongmen tossing the caber. A multitude of other events, stalls and entertainments spread out in a picturesque and historic setting.
Bridge of Allan is one of Scotland’s premier Highland Games, attracting crowds of between 4,000 and 10,000 people. The games field nestles between Stirling Castle – Scotland’s grandest historic attraction, the beautiful Ochil Hills and the National Wallace Monument, made famous by the blockbuster movie, Braveheart.
The games themselves offer a packed programme of traditional cultural and sporting events. Crowd-pleasing heavyweight competitions, almost two hundred highland dancers and more than a thousand pipers are just some of the highlights of the day.
You can also enjoy athletics, cycling and wrestling, browse among trade stands and craft stalls and enjoy a wee refreshment or two as you go. For the young ones there’s more thrills to enjoy in the popular funfair, adjoining the Games field.
Whether you live in Scotland and you’re looking for a fascinating day out or you’re visiting on holiday, you can’t fail to be impressed by such a concentration of traditional Scottish events and entertainment. The climax of the day – the massed pipe bands – is one of the most inspiring and emotional sights of Scotland.
Bridge of Allan Highland Games is run to professional standards by dedicated local volunteers. We look forward to meeting you in August