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Heston Skate Club Term 2

venue addressHeston Community Centre, 91 Heston Rd, Heston, , UK, London TW5 0QR
event dateSun 16 Mar
event times19 January 2025 – 11:00 am – 6 April 2025 – 1:00 pm
Register by December 19th to SAVE!

Rates Before Dec 19 Rates from Dec 20
Full Term: £125 Full Term: £165
Sibling/Parent: £65 Sibling/Parent: £83
Taster: £13.50 Taster: £17.00
telephone 02088381171 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Heston Skate Club Term 2

Are you ready to embark on the ultimate skating odyssey? Welcome to RollaDome’s Flagship Roller-Skating Club—the crème de la crème of our skating experiences. Whether you’re lacing up for the first time or a seasoned pro, this elite club promises to elevate your skating journey to new heights!

Why Our Flagship Club is Simply Unbeatable:

? Inclusive Excellence: Our program is crafted for skaters of every skill level. We bring the best elements of our other clubs, enhanced and optimized just for you!
Holistic Development: Here, you won’t just become a pro on skates; you’ll grow as a person—improving your communication skills, boosting self-confidence, and mastering teamwork.
Skyrocket Your Skills: With a focus on agility, balance, and speed, your skating finesse will grow like never before!
All Ages Welcome: Open for children and young adults starting at age 4, there’s no age limit on fun!
Tailored Progress Reports: Get continuous assessments and personalized feedback from our expert coaches, making sure your skating journey is ever evolving.
Timing & Terms:

Exclusive Sunday Sessions: Make your weekends extraordinary with our 11-week term that happens every Sunday!
Returners Session: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Beginners Session: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Important Notice:
?If the participant has any SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities), is autistic, or has learning difficulties, please note that an additional form will need to be filled out, as you may require 1-to-1 sessions. Kindly complete this additional form – tinyurl.com/2b5rzcpd

Hydration is key! Please bring a drink along.
Skate in Comfort: Jog bottoms, socks, leggings or shorts are the way to go. Strictly NO jeans, skirts, ties, dresses, or school uniforms. Bring socks