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The Town Mayor's Charity Quiz Night

venue addressSteppigngley Road Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1AH
event dateFriday 28 March
event timesDoors open: 6pm
Food will be served from@ 6.30pm followed by the Quiz.
Tickets £15 per person Plus a booking fee
telephone 01525631905 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

The Town Mayor's Charity Quiz Night

Put your knowledge to the test at our special Quiz Night on Friday 28th March at The Rufus Centre, in aid of this year's Town Mayor's chosen charities - Keech Hospice Care and Flitwick Town Mayor's Charity CIO.

Teams of up to 6 people.
Tickets £15 per person, which includes a choice of: Fish & Chips, Sausage & Chips or Veggie Burger and Chips - all served with mushy peas and curry sauce.

Our fully licensed bar will also be available throughout the evening.
It promises to be a great night raising funds for local charities!
Don't miss it!