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Psychic Evening

venue addressHighbury Hall, 4 Yew Tree Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B13 8QG
event dateFriday 21 February
event timesBar open from 7pm-10.30pm card payment only.
telephone 07932037625 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Psychic Evening

Join us for an unforgettable evening at Highbury Hall for an evening of Psychic Mediumship. A chance to hear from our Psychics and a chance to participate.
The evening promises to be enlightening and uplifting.
There will also be one-2-one readings*, reiki*, raffle and stalls*.
* Additional cost.
We will have The Twisted Kitchen Pizza vendor outdoors and also craft stalls, we will also be having a raffle.
Bar open from 7pm-10.30pm card payment only.
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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