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venue address207 Upper Street, Islington, London N1 1RL
event dateTue 11 Feb to Saturday 22 February
event times7:45 PM
telephone 0333 666 3366 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event


Somewhere in the woods between Hilldale, Utah, and The End of The World, an 18 year old religious cult member and young climate scientist collide. Meredith, raised in a Christian cult, believes the world will end in six days. Isaac, an outsider environmentalist, is racing against time to figure out The Project. In this new play, the boundaries between faith, science, and survival blur on the edge of a forest and a highway. A story of shared humanity and our frustrated desire to fix our world and each other, 855-FOR-TRUTH questions where even the most polarising views become similar, and what can be seen through connection.
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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