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Cheap Street Jazz

venue addressCheap Street Church, Cheap Street, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 3BJ
event dateWednesday 8 January
event timesDoors open at 7.00pm music starts at 7.30pm
£18.00 a ticket
Cash or card on the door.
telephone 07389 083537 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Cheap Street Jazz

Join us for an evening of traditional Jazz by the very popular Sunset Café Band in tribute to the three great bandleaders Tiny, Jelly and the Duke! The church has spectacular acoustics and the Steinway piano fantastic pitch.
The concert is in aid of the Rendezvous charity, a local youth support organisation helping young people 13-25 with mental health, learning and employability, advice and information and nurture groups to improve social skills and confidence.
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