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Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

venue addressShropshire Hills Discovery Centre, Craven Arms SY7 9RS
event dateSaturday 25 January
event times10am - 1pm
telephone 01588 676 060 for latest times or cancellations.
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Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

Join Ian and Karen for a hands on fruit tree pruning session.

Our community orchard is full of maturing heritage varieties of apples, pears, plums, cherry, medlar and hazelnut trees. With an introduction covering the what, where, when, why and how to prune fruit trees, come to the Centre and learn the skill of pruning.

We will be Winter pruning the apple and pear trees.

£30 per person. Booking essential, book online.

*Please bring secateurs, loppers, and pruning saws if you have them. Stout boots and gardening gloves are essential. Some tools/gloves will be available on the day.
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