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Wilfred Owen Festival

venue addressOswestry Shropshire SY11 2AY
event dateSat 15 Mar, Sun 23 Mar
event timesfor times, events and tickets visit
telephone 07835003999 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Wilfred Owen Festival

A festival of events including Music, Drama, Poetry, Film and Informative talks to commemorate the war poet and soldier Wilfred Owen in the town of his birth and to accept the gift to the people of Oswestry of the Wilfred Owen Violin and other instruments crafted from a branch of a tree that stands in the grounds of Craiglockhart Hospital, Edinburgh where Owen was treated for shell shock in 1917 and where he met Siegfried Sassoon. These instruments have been gifted to the town by their creator, the renowned instrument maker and environmentalist Steve Burnett.