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Seaford's Musical Jewels Night

venue addressSeaford Little Theatre, 4 Steyne Road, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 1HA
event dateSaturday 18 January
event timesDoors open 6:30pm. Show starts at 7pm and finishes approximately 10pm.
£8 per person.
telephone 07791969135 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Seaford's Musical Jewels Night

Fabulous, Sparkling, Fun, Vibrant....and that's just my hosting style and dress sense!
Come along and join in with a brilliant night!
There will be a range of genres to suit most musical tastes, delivered by much loved local entertainers.
Proceeds from ticket sales will be going to local charity Just Friends. There will also be a raffle in the interval in aid of the Seaford Little Theatre roof fund.
Top quality entertainment at bargain prices.
Tea and coffee will be available on the night but attendees are welcome to bring their own alcohol drinks if desired. Wine glasses will be provided.
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