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Farmboys Country bootsale

venue addressPepper hill field New barn road Kent DA13 9PA
event dateToday, Sun 16 Mar, Sun 23 Mar, Sun 30 Mar, Sun 6 Apr, Sun 13 Apr
event timesSellers arrive from 8am £11 car / £16 van
Buyers arrive from 9am onwards £1 car park
telephone 07929847405 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Farmboys Country bootsale

Farmboys Country bootsale at the pepper hill site.
Fabulous venue with easy access in /out.
Genuine sale with 100s bargains available weekly.
Sits just off the main A2.
Wether your a seller or buyer you will have a profitable time at this sale.
Open weekly throughout the year plus also all bank holiday Mondays

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