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White Oak Aikido Chirbury

White Oak Aikido Chirbury

venue addressChirbury Village Hall, Salop Road, Chirbury, Montgomery Powys, Shropshire SY15 6BH
event dateTue 11 Mar, Tue 18 Mar
event timesClass Times are 19:00 to 21:00 every Tuesday, and the sessions are for over 18s.
Your first session is free. After that, your first six months' membership is £15 (waged) or £8 (unwaged). After your free taster, you pay £20 a month to attend all the weekly two-hour sessions or you can pay per session at £7.00 a time. Before you take your first grading, you'll need a training uniform, which will cost about £25.
telephone 07880 501302 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

White Oak Aikido Chirbury

Weekly classes in the Japanese martial art of Aikido in Chirbury in the Welshpool, Newtown, Churchstoke triangle. Our focus is on optimising how you use your body to maximise your efficiency and power, developing a deep understanding of how your body works and how this power can be used most effectively. Training can help you develop fitness, suppleness, good posture, co-ordination, self-confidence, relaxation, mental calmness and awareness, all in a friendly, non-competitive and non-aggressive environment. Aikido uses throws, joint locks and weapons.
For more details, please see our website. If you have any questions or to book your free taster session, please send us an email: chirburyaikido@whiteoak-aikido.org