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Epping Forest Uniquely Me Talent Show 2025

venue addressEpping Hall, 2 St Johns Road, Epping, Essex CM16 5DN
event dateSaturday 1 March
event timesAdult Ticket: £10 per person
Child Ticket: £5 per person
Doors open at 16.30pm where there will be stalls and refreshments
Show starts at 17.00pm
telephone 07510672256 for latest times or cancellations.
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Epping Forest Uniquely Me Talent Show 2025

Time for the red carpet and stanchions again!! Following the huge success of the 2024 Epping Forest Uniquely Me Talent show where we made a whopping £350 for SMiRA, it's back even bigger! Uniquely Me Talent Show was thought up by Daisy-Mae Mead who lives in Epping Forest and is 13 years old and is autistic with selective mutism. It is an inclusive talent show showing children's talent aged 8-21 to Epping Forest and the surrounding areas. We are aiming to raise money for The UK selective mutism charity named SMiRA (Selective Mutism Information & Research Association), there are lots of people around Epping Forest that don't know about selective mutism and this event is making more individuals aware about this disability. We will also share the profits with another special local charity that saves lives that is Essex & Herts Air Ambulance. An amazing charity that has no government funding and anyone could need at anytime in our district. The show will be started with a short speech about selective mutism and information about Essex & Herts Air Ambulance and there will be the voices of children who have Selective Mutism and those that have been saved by Air Ambulance reverberating around the auditorium and then we will move on to your talents, there will also be special guests and we will have a short interval. It is a competition but every entrant will receive an award and prize, we will also have 3-4 judges present to judge the winners of the show and the Chairman of Epping Forest to present awards with photo opportunities! If you would like to participate in the talent show, email us on daisy@strawberrysue.co.uk. Participants need to be aged 8-21, they will audition via a video, but first please send an email about your act, and a little about yourself (with parents permission) parents permission will be needed to enter and a form will be sent to you with the details.