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Welcome Spring with dance group Vezanitsa and Slavic Voices in London

Welcome Spring with dance group Vezanitsa and Slavic Voices in London

venue addressChurch of St Mary the Virgin, Elsworthy Road, Primrose Hill, London NW3 3DJ
event dateSaturday 15 February
event timesDoor time 2.15pm
Start time 2.30pm
Tickets: General admission: £15; Students/low income: £12
Booking link: wegottickets.com/event/640175
telephone 07487532432 for latest times or cancellations.
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Welcome Spring with dance group Vezanitsa and Slavic Voices in London


Songs and dances from thousands of miles away welcome you into Spring and are brought to your doorstep by Slavic Voices choir and Bulgarian dance group Vezanitsa. Experience an amazing array of repertoire from cultures that meet at the Black Sea and spread like rays of the year’s first sunshine.

Bulgarian Dance Group Vezanitsa is a vibrant community uniting people from diverse backgrounds across Sussex. Traditional Bulgarian dance offers a rich repertoire, with each region of Bulgaria having its own style of dance, distinctive for their subtle rhythms and intricate footwork. Vezanitsa hosts weekly dance classes and performs at local events celebrating Bulgarian culture through festivals and social gatherings. Whether learning traditional steps or simply enjoying the joy of movement, Vezanitsa fosters connections and celebrates diversity, proving that dance is more than art — it’s a bridge to belonging. www.facebook.com/bgbrightondance.

Slavic Voices (London and Brighton & Hove) presents music of all styles from the Slavic world: Orthodox chants, classics by Tchaikovsky, Schnittke and others, refined XVIII-XIX centuries Art songs and gritty folklore from the far corners of Siberia to the banks of the Black Sea. The choir's repertoire is sung mainly in Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Belorussian, and adding a guest visit by a song in Yiddish or Romanian. It is led by Polina Skovoroda-Shepherd, granddaughter of a Cossack, an internationally acclaimed performer, educator and cultural activist.

Join us on the journey to explore and share this culturally unique and musically diverse repertoire with the wide world. www.polinashepherd.co.uk/choirs/slavic-voices/
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