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Italian Beginner Course level A1 in central London

venue addressLingua Diversa Group, Ruskin House 40-41 Museum Street London WC1A 1LT
event dateThu 20 Mar
event timesfrom Thursday 23 January to Thursday 10 April from 6 to 7:30pm, £250 for 12 lessons
telephone 02035566413 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Lingua Diversa Group
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About this Event

Italian Beginner Course level A1 in central London

We have two Italian Beginner Courses starting in January. One will run from Thursday 23 January to Thursday 10 April from 6 to 7:30pm and the other one from Thursday 23 January to Thursday 10 April from 7:35 to 9:05pm (12 weeks, £250).
Lessons take place in our offices in central London once a week for 12 weeks.
There are min 3 and max 10 students in our groups.
The course program will cover the following topics:
Introducing yourself, explaining what work you do, where you live, your likes/dislikes, ordering at the bar/restaurant, booking into a hotel, asking and understanding directions, describing people and places, numbers, spelling, alphabet, pronunciation skills.

Please email us if you are interested in joining
For more info you can visit our website Lingua Diversa

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