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The Brutalist (18)

When visionary architect László Toth and his wife Erzsébet flee Europe to rebuild their legacy and witness the birth of modern America, their lives are changed forever by a mysterious and wealthy client. The seemingly charming industrialist Harrison Van Buren offers László and his family the American Dream on a silver platter, commissioning him to design a grand modernist monument and help shape the landscape of the country he now calls home. It will be the most ambitious project of his career, one that will take László and Erzsébet to both monumental heights and devastating lows.

‘Everything on view is beautifully lit, composed and filmed. A brilliant work of art.’ Dwight Brown, DwightBrownInk.com

‘It’s not just that they don’t make movies like this anymore -- of course they don’t! -- so much as no one bothers to tell these types of sprawling narratives with this level of storytelling, chops, nerve and verve.’ David Fear, Rolling Stone

‘It is the boldest and best film so far at this year’s Venice Film Festival: a life writ large on the screen that deserves such maximalist treatment.’ Raphael Abraham, Financial Times
event dateTuesday 8 April
venue addressTALIESIN ARTS CENTRE Swansea University Singleton Campus Swansea SA2 8PZ
event times7.30pm Full Price £7.75 Under 26 £5 Students £5
telephone 01792 602060 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Taliesin Arts Centre
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