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Art exhibition

venue addressKidlington Methodist Church, Oxford Road (opposite Exeter Hall), Oxfordshire OX5 2BP
event dateFri 7 Feb to Sunday 9 February
event timesFriday - 5.00pm to 7.00pm, Saturday - 10.00am to 5.00pm, Sunday 11.30am to 5.00pm
Free parking. Admission by donation. Refreshments.
telephone 07910407490 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Art exhibition

An exhibition celebrating the life and art of much loved Kidlington resident Ken Marsland. During his working life Ken worked as a technician and ultimately Laboratory Superintendent in the Zoology Department at Oxford University and his love of animals was evident in much of his art work. Ken was much involved in Kidlington life, using his zoology experience to volunteer at St Mary's Fields and volunteering with children's groups at the Methodist church where his artistic skills were put to good use. His paintings and cartoons of local scenes and wildlife were exhibited as part of the Artists at St Mary’s exhibitions during Oxfordshire Artweeks.
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