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Artistic Temperaments Festival | Jupiter Ensemble

venue addressTurner Sims, Building 52, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton, Southampton, Hampshire SO17 1BJ
event dateFriday 14 February
event times19:30

Band A £22 (£19.80 Friends)
Band B £18 (£16.20 Friends)
Band C £10 (£9.00 Friends)
Students and Under 18s: £10 (Bands B and C)
School groups: £7.50 per ticket (Bands B and C)
Free tickets for 8-25-year-olds with Cavatina (Bands B and C)
telephone 023 8059 5151 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Artistic Temperaments Festival | Jupiter Ensemble

Celebrate Jane Austen’s 250th anniversary in the first evening concert of Artistic Temperaments Festival 2025.

The Jupiter Ensemble returns to the Festival to celebrate Jane Austen’s 250th anniversary with Carl Davis’s much-loved score for the 1995 film of ‘Pride & Prejudice‘. Rossini’s wit and classic style have much in common with Austen. His ‘Thieving Magpie’ overture certainly conjures up the right atmosphere, as does Mendelssohn’s Octet, composed by the sixteen-year-old composer just a few years after Austen’s early death.

The concert also includes a great rarity, ‘Admired Melodies from the May Queen’, which explores the score that Sir William Sterndale Bennett created for the opening of Leeds Town Hall in 1858.
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