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Artistic Temperaments| Re-Invention | Performed by Apollo’s Cabinet

venue addressTurner Sims, Building 52, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton, Southampton, Hampshire SO17 1BJ
event dateSaturday 15 February
event times19:30
Band A £22 (£19.80 Friends)
Band B £18 (£16.20 Friends)
Band C £10 (£9 Friends)
£10 Students and Under 18s
Book for all 3 paid-for Artistic Temperaments events and get 15% off (full price Band A – C only)
telephone 023 8059 5151 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Artistic Temperaments| Re-Invention | Performed by Apollo’s Cabinet

A dazzling evening of Baroque music.

Apollo’s Cabinet are presenting an exciting and inventive programme, showcasing music dazzling from the Baroque, deconstructing it, reinterpreting it, and reassembling it with other works to create something new.

Composers like Handel, Bach, Telemann, and Quantz often were inspired by each other’s works and adopted melodies, bass lines, harmony, and texts for their own works in a similar or sometimes almost identical way. This continues to happen even today, as composers and artists take inspiration from the Baroque and rework it to be their own. re:invention highlights these links by not only showing similarities between music in the Baroque period but also pairing modern songs with their Baroque roots.


Handel Arrival of the queen of sheba, from: Solomon

Telemann Tafelmusik: Concerto in F major – 1. Allegro, TWV53:F1

J. S. Bach Choral:le: Wie soll ich dich empfangen, from: Weihnachtsoratorium BWV 248 & Matthäuspassion, 244 4min

Paul Simon American tune

J. S. Bach
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645
Trio Sonata (Allegro), BWV1039
Ich will dich nicht hören, BWV21
Bereite dich Zion, BWV248

Lascia ch’io pianga, from: Rinaldo In d
Sarabande tune, from: Almira HWV1
Passacaille, from Radamisto: HWV12

J. S. Bach
Trio sonata, Presto BWV1039
Brandenburg concerto No. 4, Presto
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140
Wann kommst du mein Heil
Matthäuspassion, BWV 244
Erbarme dich mein Gott
Goldberg Variations:
Variation 1, BWV 988
Variation 30 ‘Quodlibet’

Apollo’s Cabinet
Quodlibet ‘Kraut und Rüben’,
with themes and variations from:

D. Buxtehude (1637-1707) : La Capricciosa

This concert will have an interval.
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