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‘The Wonderland Garden’ with City of London Sinfonia

Come join us in The Wonderland Garden and explore the beauty of the changing seasons alongside a curious young person and their new friend, Robin.

This unique show brings together live music and theatre to tell a story of discovery and joy.

Designed especially for babies and children under six, ‘The Wonderland Garden’ offers musical storytelling that the whole family can enjoy. Featuring classical instruments and South Asian percussion, music drives the story. Our main character and Robin experience a garden through the seasons, illustrated by a playful set inspired by pop-up books.

Co-produced by City of London Sinfonia and Landmark Theatres
event dateSunday 6 April
venue addressTurner Sims, Building 52, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton, Southampton, Hampshire SO17 1BJ
event times11:00 - 14:30
Duration: 25 minutes
Suitable for ages 0 - 6 and their adults
All tickets £4
telephone 023 8059 5151 for latest times or cancellations.
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