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The Young’uns 20

Much loved folk trio, the Young’uns, celebrate 20 years of singing together.

One night in Stockton On Tees, three teenagers heard strange sounds coming from the backroom of a pub. They went in. They heard people singing songs they’d never heard before. Songs without instruments. Songs in their own accents. Songs about places they knew. Folk songs. They joined in. Because they were the youngest ones there by several decades, they were soon labeled ‘the Young’uns.’

20 years on and they’ve carried their unfortunate name around the world, from Sydney to Vancouver, from Radio Tees to Radio 4, won 3 BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards and gained a reputation for singing life affirming songs of social conscience in immaculate 3 part harmony. But as well as their 20th anniversary, Sean Cooney, Michael Hughes and David Eagle will each be celebrating their 40th birthdays on tour!
event dateThursday 24 April
venue addressTurner Sims, Building 52, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton, Southampton, Hampshire SO17 1BJ
event times20:00

Band A: £24 (£21.60 Friends)
Band B: £22 (£19.80 Friends)
Band C: £16 (£14.40 Friends)
Students and Under 18s: £10 (Bands B and C)
Schools: £7.50 per ticket (Bands B and C)
telephone 023 8059 5151 for latest times or cancellations.
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