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Organ Recital with Ben Chewter

venue addressSt Michael and All Angels Church, South Street, Lancing, West Sussex BN15 8AJ
event dateSaturday 8 February
event times7 pm
Tickets £10 from www.chalkspringchurches.org/organ-recital or telephone 01903 762793
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About this Event

Organ Recital with Ben Chewter

Organist Ben Chewter returns to his native Sussex to give an organ recital at St Michael and All Angels, Lancing. Music by Sweelinck, Handel, Langlais and John Petley
Ben is a young organist who was educated at Christ’s Hospital in his native Sussex and held the Organ Scholarship at Canterbury Cathedral before going up to Emmanuel College as Organ Scholar. He was the organist of King’s Voices, the mixed-voice choir of King’s College Chapel. He subsequently held posts at Westminster Abbey, Lincoln Cathedral and Chester Cathedral and is now Organist of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London.

As an organist and conductor he has performed extensively throughout the UK and abroad, particularly in Germany. He has also appeared frequently as an organist for live broadcasts of the Daily Service on BBC Radio 4 and Choral Evensong on BBC Radio 3. Contemporary music has a strong place in his repertoire, and he has premiered new music by Howard Skempton, Philip Moore, Ciprian Ilie, Francis Pott and Matthew Martin.

Music to be performed includes Handel - Organ Concerto No. 2 in B flat, Nicolaus Bruhns - Praeludium in E minor 'The Great', Jean Langlais - Suite Breve
..and the oldest keyboard music in existence - music from the Robertsbridge Codex (c.1350).

He will be performing on the Peter Collins organ at St Michael and All Angels Church, Lancing.
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