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How Sweet It Is - 50 Years of James Taylor

venue addressHeadgate Theatre, 14 Chapel Street North, Colchester, Essex CO2 7AT
event dateSunday 6 April
event timesStarts at 7pm. Tickets £19 plus booking fee.
telephone 01206 366000 for latest times or cancellations.
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How Sweet It Is - 50 Years of James Taylor

Vernon James performs the songs of James Taylor, celebrating the 50th anniversary of Taylor’s ‘How Sweet It Is” topping the charts. In this two hour show, Vernon takes us on a journey back to simpler times where we can happily lose ourselves in the dulcet tones and sweet melodies of some of the finest songs written in the last half a century. The show includes such favourites as ‘Sweet Baby James’ and ‘Fire and Rain’ and also more recent classics like the evocative ‘Frozen Man’.

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