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Valentines Moonlight Sonata by Candlelight

venue addressWorcester Cathedral, College Yard, Worcester, Worcestershire WR1 2LA
event dateFriday 14 February
event timesFri 14th Feb, 7.30pm
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Valentines Moonlight Sonata by Candlelight

Enjoy an exceptional Valentines concert with renowned concert pianist (to be announced shortly) in the beautiful candlelit setting of Worcester Cathedral. Serenade your loved one, with some of most the romantic and passionate classical music ever written for the piano.

Concert pianist to be announced

Beethoven – Sonata in C sharp minor, (‘Moonlight Sonata')
Chopin – Nocturne in C sharp min - Posthum.
Chopin - Fantasy Impromptu Op 66
Chopin - Ballade No. 1 in G minor Op 23
Liszt – Hungarian Rhapsody No 2
Beethoven – Sonata in C minor Op 13 (‘Pathetique Sonata’)
Liszt - Un Sospiro
Debussy - Clair de Lune
Rachmaninov – Prelude in C sharp minor
Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue
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