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Baby Sensory classes

venue addressWinchelsea & St.Leonards East Sussex TN36 4JT
event dateTue 4 Feb to Tuesday 1 April
event times£8 per class
Classes Tuesdays in Winchelsea 10:30 & Fridays St.Leonards 10:10 & 11:30 (1 hour sessions)
telephone 07955950849 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Baby Sensory classes

Baby Sensory classes 0-13 months old.
Award winning learning and development programme for your babies!

Would you like to take your baby on an Underwater Adventure? Or perhaps a Space Adventure? Or maybe even to a Beach Party, or even on a Jungle Jitters Journey? Well, you can at Baby Sensory. Come along and experience fibre optic light shows, massage, bubbles, musical fun, baby signing, puppet shows, dancing and so much more!

Baby Sensory is the only class that has specially designed lesson plans to suit babies from birth.

All activities are excellent for developing physical, social and emotional, and language skills, co-ordination, awareness of the world, a love of music and the concentration so needed for further development.

Come along and experience the magic that only Baby Sensory can offer.