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The Value of Names

venue addressThe White Bear Theatre, 138 Kennington Park Road, London SE11 4DJ
event dateTue 11 Feb to Saturday 1 March
event timesTickets:

£17 Standard

£15 Concessions

Performance Times:

Tue - Sat | 7:30pm

Sat | 2:30pm

Running Time: 90mins

Age Guidance: 12+
telephone 07985-500697 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

The Value of Names

Starring Jeremy Kareken, Katherine Lyle & Tim Hardy

Hollywood, 1983. Up and coming actress Norma is staying with her father, Benny, as she begins rehearsing a project. Benny was a blacklisted actor, and they discover the new director assigned to Norma's show is Leo, the man who gave Benny's name to the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) and derailed his career. Norma is faced with the choice of giving up a career making role or hurting her father, Benny is faced with the knowledge his daughter is working closely with the man who betrayed him, and Leo comes face to face for the first time with the consequences of his actions so many years ago. The three of them have things to settle, you bet. Funny and confrontational.
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