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Ingleborough via Gaping Ghyll 10th March

venue addressClapham YDNP car park Lancashire LA2 8EQ
event dateMonday 10 March
event times£47.50

Start/Finish- Clapham YDNP car park LA2 8EQ

Date- 1oth March

Time- 0900

Duration- 6hrs

Distance- 14km

Mountain Leader- Dougie Walker
telephone 07761582675 for latest times or cancellations.
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Ingleborough via Gaping Ghyll 10th March

Starting from the village of Clapham the route takes us past caves, potholes and a miniature Goredale Scar to the spectacular pothole of Gaping Ghyll. The route then takes us up a well made path to the Iron Age remains on the summit plateau of Ingleborough, descent is by one of a number of routes depending on conditions and tiredness levels. A good walk to practice navigation in a variety of terrain.

This walk is generally on well made paths but can be muddy and slippery in wet conditions.