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Lunar Lecture – Brief Encounter.

venue addressErasmus Darwin House, Beacon Street, Lichfield, Staffs, Staffordshire WS13 7AD
event dateThursday 13 March
event times7pm
telephone 01543306260 for latest times or cancellations.
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Lunar Lecture – Brief Encounter.

Erasmus Darwin makes a short trip to Matlock Bath resulting in the discovery of a new mineral to science.

Erasmus Darwin often met with his friend Josiah Wedgwood at Matlock Bath, which was a convenient Derbyshire location to “take the waters”. During one visit he visited the establishment of a lapidarist, Thomas Pearson, where he purchased a mineral with which he was not familiar. He informed a fellow mineral enthusiast of the find which ultimately resulted in the discovery of a new mineral from a mine in Cromford, which is now internationally famous.

In this interesting lecture John Cooke will discuss his research, which included a visit to Erasmus Darwin House.

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