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Echo 42 Big Band in concert at Starbeck Methodist Church, Harrogate

Echo 42 Big Band in concert at Starbeck Methodist Church, Harrogate

venue addressStarbeck Methodist Church Harrogate North Yorkshire HG2 7LH
event dateSunday 11 May
event timesThe event starts at 2.30pm
Entry is by pay at the door £10. Concessions: teenagers £5, <12 years free.
Refreshments are served during the interval.
telephone 07748051861 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Echo 42 Big Band in concert at Starbeck Methodist Church, Harrogate

Do come along and hear Echo42 Big Band in an afternoon concert at Starbeck Methodist Church. This event was postponed from earlier in the year, due to icy weather. In May it will be the 80th anniversary of VE day; so this is an opportunity to listen to sounds from the 1940s and maybe dust off a vintage item from your wardrobe!

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