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Brahms German Requiem Danesborough Chorus

Our Spring concert features Brahms’ Ein deutsches Requiem (‘A German Requiem’). Undoubtedly one of the greatest of all choral works, it is deeply moving and profound. The sheer beauty of this work reaches its pinnacle in the well-known movement Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen (‘How lovely are thy dwelling places’). For our performance we are using the piano-duet accompaniment. Brahms, himself a well-known pianist, produced this alternative scoring with piano-duet accompaniment which was used at the first complete performance of the Requiem in London.
The concert will also include two further exquisite works: the song-cycle Les Nuits d’Été by Hector Berlioz and Schubert’s Fantasia in F minor for piano duet.
Conducted by Ian Smith, the pianists will be Tim Grant-Jones and John Witchell. The soloists are Rebecca Bottone (soprano) and Dominic Keating-Jones (baritone).
event dateTomorrow
venue addressSt Mary’s Parish Church, Park Street, Woburn, Bedfordshire MK17 9PG
event times19.30 -21.30
Tickets: £20, £15, £10, under-18s £5
telephone 01908 583460 for latest times or cancellations.
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