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Huntley & Palmers Biscuit Factory Workshop

Huntley & Palmers Biscuit Factory Workshop

venue addressThe Centre for Heritage and Family History, 2nd Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, Berkshire RG1 3BQ
event dateThursday 6 February
event times7 - 9pm

£10 (Berks FHS members £(9)
telephone 0118 950 9553 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Huntley & Palmers Biscuit Factory Workshop

Huntley and Palmer played a pivotal role in Reading's history for almost a century and a half. Starting modestly, the company grew to become a global behemoth and a staple of Reading. For those with ancestors who lived in Reading during the Huntley and Palmer years, many will have either worked directly for Huntley and Palmers or to a company that had a connection to them.

This online workshop will explore the company's evolution and its significance to Reading's residents throughout its history. Participants will also learn that Reading wasn't the sole location of the company's factories. Additionally, we will uncover some of the more unusual aspects of the company's past. Join Industrial Historian Dr. Richard Marks as he guides us through a significant chapter in the history of Reading and its community.

This online workshop is organised by Berkshire Family History Society CIO, a registered charity number 1204390. Pre-booking is required.

Image: Bill-Nicholls – The last bit CC-BY-SA-2.0
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