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6 a Side Football Sheffield

venue addressLeisure United, Woodbourn Road 3 Stadium Way Sheffield, South Yorkshire S9 3HL
event dateMon 10 Mar, Mon 17 Mar, Mon 24 Mar, Mon 31 Mar, Mon 7 Apr, Mon 14 Apr, Mon 21 Apr
event timesEvery Monday Evening 7PM-9PM
FREE Entry
telephone 07463046918 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

6 a Side Football Sheffield

We have great news for the footballers of Sheffield! We have teamed up with Leisure United, Woodbourn Road to bring another of our industry leading community 6 a side leagues to their fantastic 3G pitch!

Games will be played on Monday evenings between 7PM and 9PM with FREE ENTRY until April and match fees just £35 each week. What's more, we are the only provider who can offer you the opportunity to represent your country at the 6-A-Side World Cup!

Please do not delay as spaces will fill quickly for this league. Our new 6 a side league will be the BIGGEST and ONLY new league to hit the area with the BEST VALUE games and BEST referees in town!

Quality services at an affordable price – and a commitment to discipline that ensures the leagues are for everyone, whatever their ability. There’s a place for everyone in Leisure Leagues.

For more information please call on 03331232340 or email ethanfreeston@leisureleagues.co.uk

We are the only league provider that donates profits to charities and good causes, and we look forward to getting the community of Sheffield active through six a side football.

Sheffield 6-a-side Football | Leisure United | Leisure Leagues