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We'll Always Have Paris by Jill Hyem

venue addressAmblecote Holy Trinity Church Hall, Vicarage Road, Amblecote, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 4JA
event dateMon 12 May to Wed 14 May, Fri 16 May
event timesCurtain-up 7.30 pm Doors open 7 pm.
All Tickets £10.
16-25's On the door £5 cash with ID.

Production suitable for 16's years plus
telephone 0121 530 1236 / 07837870673 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

We'll Always Have Paris by Jill Hyem

Three women of a “certain age” gravitate to Paris. There’s Nancy, a retired headmistress determined to throw off the shackles; Anna, recently widowed – and free – after years of nursing a sick husband; and Raquel, a divorcee in search of eternal youth and a new toy boy. A feel-good play with laughter and tears, the promise of romance, friendship and anger, and the advantages and disadvantages of growing old. The play will leave you charmed, amused, thoughtful – and singing!