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VE Day Anniversary Lunch and Talk

VE Day Anniversary Lunch and Talk

venue addressThe Centre for Heritage and Family History, 2nd Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, Berkshire RG1 3BQ
event dateThursday 8 May
event times1 - 3.30pm

£12 (£11 Berks FHS members)
telephone 0118 950 9553 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

VE Day Anniversary Lunch and Talk

Our VE Day 80th anniversary event begins with a fish and chips lunch. This is followed by a talk by Mike Cooper and Richard Marks on the collapse of Germany in 1945.

8th May 1945 marked the formal end of World War Two in Europe, when the allied nations accepted the final unconditional surrender of Germany’s armed forces. Why did Germany’s armed forces, the same army and air force which stormed through Europe in 1939 and 1940, collapse What was different in 1945 from 1940 when Germany controlled most of Europe, other than the neutral nations such as Sweden, Spain and Switzerland? Military and Industrial Historians Mike Cooper and Richard Marks will examine the situation in 1945 and reveal why Germany was defeated.

The war in the Far East would continue to rage for another three months, but that is another story…

Pre-booking is required, ticket sales end three days before the talk. If you have any allergies or require a vegetarian or non-fish option – please advise us of this during the booking process. We will then contact you separately about alternative options. Please note this event begins at the earlier than normal time of 1pm.

This event is organised by Berkshire Family History Society CIO, a registered charity number 1204390.

Image: Germany surrenders ‘Published by Photographic Arts, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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