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Teddington Choral Society - Carmina Burana by Carl Orff

venue addressLandmark Arts Centre, Ferry Road, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 9NN
event dateSaturday 29 March
event times7.30pm. Tickets: £15, Under 16s Free
telephone 0208 977 7558 for latest times or cancellations.
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Teddington Choral Society - Carmina Burana by Carl Orff

Teddington Choral Society and its Musical Director, Julian Collings, are delighted to announce their spring concert which will feature the well known piece Carmina Burana by Carl Orff.

Founded in 1951 by Lisette Brooks, Teddington Choral Society has had only seven Musical Directors in its more than 70 years. Over the years, TCS has performed under many distinguished batons, including those of Sir Malcolm Sargent, Sir Adrian Boult, Sir Yehudi Menuhin and Vilem Tausky. In 2019 Julian Collings was welcomed as the new Musical Director. Over the last few years the choir has enjoyed a growing reputation for its repertoire of outstanding contemporary music alongside the established classics. With past successes and imaginative programming, TCS is thriving.

Carmina Burana was originally a manuscript of 254 poems and songs (from 11th and 12th centuries) written in Latin by Goliards, mostly student clergy, whose intent was to satirise the Catholic Church. The collection of poems which was found in 1803 in Bavaria has been considered until now as one of the most important collection of Goliard and vagabond songs. In 1936 Carl Orff set 24 of the poems to music. His composition very quickly became popular and has since been performed on many occasions by many ensembles.

The choir will be joined by:

Soprano- Eleanor Pennell-Briggs
Tenor – Joseph Doody
Baritone (waiting confirmation)
Piano – Peter Jaekel and Phil Culling

More information: www.teddingtonchoral.co.uk

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