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Cornwall Garden Society Evening Lecture

Cornwall Garden Society Evening Lecture

venue addressThe Alverton, Tregolls Road, Truro, Cornwall TR1 1ZQ
event dateTomorrow
event times7.30pm to 8.30pm. Free for CGS members. Non-members welcome to attend. Donations gratefully received.
telephone 07743 164434 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Cornwall Garden Society Evening Lecture

The Cornwall Garden Society’s (CGS) March lectures will be delivered by two of its Trustees, Pen Polglase and Richard Stone, firstly, on the subject of change in Cornish historic gardens and secondly, on why it is important to research and record them in order to protect them for the future.

Following the merger of the Cornwall Gardens Trust (CGT) with the CGS last year, the Society has established a Historic Gardens Committee to enable its vital research and conservation to continue.

Nationally, The Gardens Trust is the statutory consultee for development projects and planning applications that could impact on sites within Historic England’s Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest.

In Cornwall, the CGS Historic Gardens Committee is The Garden Trust’s local representative and plays an important role in protecting the county’s garden heritage.

It also undertakes research into Cornwall’s designed parks and gardens.

Between 1988 and 2024, the CGT contributed 85 records to the county archive at Kresen Kernow in Redruth, and the CGS Historic Gardens Committee looks forward to adding to this important resource for many years to come.

Change in Historic Gardens in Cornwall will be Pen and Richard’s subject on Tuesday 11th March at 7.30pm at The Alverton, Truro TR1 1ZQ and Researching Historic Gardens in Cornwall will be their focus on Wednesday 12th March at 2.30pm at Penventon Park Hotel, Redruth TR15 1TE.

These lectures are free for CGS members. Non-members are welcome to attend to find out more about the Society and donations are gratefully received.

To become a member of the CGS, please visit www.cornwallgardensociety.org.uk/join/

To purchase advance tickets for the CGS 2025 Spring Flower Show on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th April, please visit www.cornwallgardensociety.org.uk/spring-flower-show/show-tickets/

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