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Gang Bang

venue addressSeven Dials Playhouse,1A Tower St, London WC2H 9NP
event dateTue 18 Feb to Saturday 1 March
event timesFrom £12.50, 7:30pm
telephone 020 3841 6600 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Gang Bang

In 1945, when Sicilians were pouring onto boats for America, one man by the name of Don Lambrini accidentally boarded an all-inclusive Thomas Cook cruise to Blackpool, England. Gang Bang is a raucous comedy about the mafia who ended up in the North of England.

Transferring from a hit run at the Edinburgh Fringe, off-the-wall mafia comedy Gang Bang by Hughie Shepherd-Cross (Ringer and Out to Lunch) comes to Seven Dials Playhouse! Gang Bang is a hilarious homage to the Gangster Films genre, set in the North of England and is filled to the brim with madcap gags, surreal pastiches and a new joke everywhere you look.

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