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Live Music - Theatre Organ Pops concert American style

venue addressThe Victoria Hall, Victoria Road, Saltaire, Shipley, , West Yorkshire BD18 3JS
event dateSunday 9 March
event timesDoors open, concert 2pm to approx 4.45pm. Admission at the door by cash or card £14 (under 26: £5, under 18 Free).
telephone 08454002208 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Live Music - Theatre Organ Pops concert American style

Join us for a concert of light and popular music played by international virtuoso Dave Wickerham. Born in Encino, California in 1962, he began playing the electronic organ at the age of four and had his first pipe organ experience at age ten. His musical education started at age seven.
When he moved to Arizona in 1976, he became Associate Organist at the famous Organ Stop Pizza Restaurants in Phoenix, Mesa and Tucson.
In 1984, Dave moved to the Chicago area to become Staff Organist at Pipes and Pizza in Lansing, Illinois. In addition to his performance there, he concertized frequently, as well as ministering musically and serving at various churches. He then had ten years at the Piper Music Palace Greenfield.
In 2011 he was appointed American theatre organist of the Year and has toured internationally, including the UK.
His engagement at Saltaire is part of a tour arranged by the Cinema Organ Society. We are delighted to welcome him back to play the Saltaire Wurlitzer.
Enjoy delicious refreshments before and during the interval when first time visitors can go downstairs under the stage to see the nearly 1000 pipes and percussions. Level entry via Lockwood Street and lift. Further information 0845 400 2208 (after 7pm). Groups may book in advance (discount).
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