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Join our choir in Reading for a FREE taster session

venue addressEmmer Green Primary School, Emmer Green Primary School (Please use the back entrance to get into the school, down St Barnabas Road and past the surgery), Grove Road, Reading, Berkshire RG4 8LN
event dateTue 18 Mar
event timesStart time: 8:00 PM. Make sure you book online at the Website link below.
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About this Event

Join our choir in Reading for a FREE taster session

Ever wondered if there is a 'local ladies choir near me or nearby'?

The Reading Rock Choir is led by Berkshire based musician Lucy Hewes. A local community choir first and foremost, we are also part of the national Rock Choir network, which has provided some exceptional performance opportunities. Members of Rock Choir have had the chance to meet and sing in front of many celebrities and public figures, including HRH Prince William, Alan Titchmarsh and Jonathan Ross at the UK's top venues including Wembley Stadium!

To book your FREE singing taster session go to https://www.rockchoir.com/join.

Here is a quote about our choir - 'Rock Choir is fab! Three part harmony, choreography, fun and laughter! I leave on a total natural high each week!' - Leslie (Rock Choir member)

Rock Choir is a winner of the Red Ribbon 'Big Heart' Award. and holds 1 former and 2 current Guinness World Records. The choir is also credited with single handedly starting the contemporary choir movement.