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Grange Choral Society presents Vaughan Williams' Sea Symphony

venue addressChristchurch Priory, Quay Road, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 1BU
event dateSaturday 12 April
event times7.30pm
Nave seats £24 and £22, Side Aisle seats £16, Students Half price, Under 16s £5 with a paying adult. Tickets also available on the door.
telephone 01202 143870 Mon.- Sat.10.00-16.00 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Grange Choral Society presents Vaughan Williams' Sea Symphony

Grange Choral Society is delighted to perform Vaughan Williams' dramatic Sea Symphony with full orchestra and soloists in the unique atmosphere and glorious acoustic of the Christchurch Priory. The majestic Sea Symphony brings to life the many moods of the sea from crashing waves to peaceful moments on the beach at night. Accompanied by Vaughan Williams' beautifully haunting Five Mystical Songs and Elgar's lovely Give unto the Lord, this exciting performance is not to be missed.
Musical Director Simon Earl