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February Half Term Fun at The Square!

venue addressThe Square Camberley, 5-6 The Square, Surrey GU15 3SL
event dateSat 15 Feb to Friday 21 February
event timesfree
telephone 01277600320 for latest times or cancellations.
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February Half Term Fun at The Square!

Join The Square for their FREE family entertainment this February half term!
They have lots of fun activities planned to keep the children entertained!
On Saturday 15th February you can meet Peppa Pig from 10am until 3:30pm. Snap a picture with your favourite on screen character!
On Tuesday 18th February from 10:30am until 2pm learn new gymnastic moves and engage in aerial hoop fun in Cambridge Square with Prime Acrobatics.
On Wednesday 19th February from 11am until 3pm come and paint an ice skate, snowflake or penguin ceramic magnet with Little Bees.
Join Artful Kids on Thursday 20th February from 11am until 3pm to make a paper plate igloo with an Eskimo
Craft Coop will be there to help you make a wooden snowflake keyring on Friday 21st February from 1:30pm until 3pm.
All events are will be in Cambridge Square by Sainsbury's at The Square.
See you there!
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