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Guided Walk: Spring at the North Wall!

venue addressMeet at the Salthouse, end of Church Lane, Pagham, or what3words: ///improves.crunched.indicates, West Sussex PO21 4NX
event dateSaturday 15 March
event times10 am (duration 3½ hours)
£8 per person / £5 members
telephone 01243641508 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Guided Walk: Spring at the North Wall!

Spring is in the air and migration is underway. Join our friendly guides on a walk along the north side of our reserve as we look for waders, ducks, and geese, which will be heading home to the far North to breed, as well as the first of our returning summer breeding birds! We’ll help you find and identify some of our early returning birds, including seabirds, wheatears, warblers, and other songbirds.
Meet at the Salthouse, end of Church Lane, Pagham, PO21 4NX or what3words: ///improves.crunched.indicates