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RCP Museum Late: Healing words - Women’s books

venue addressRoyal College of Physicians, 11 St Andrews Place, London NW1 4LE
event dateThursday 6 March
event timesFree, just book your place.
5.30 - 8pm
telephone +44 (0)20 3075 1543 for latest times or cancellations.
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RCP Museum Late: Healing words - Women’s books

Join us to celebrate Women’s History Month after hours. Explore stories of women’s roles in medicine shown in the Healing words exhibition and the wider RCP collections.
How are handwritten recipe books actually a testament to women’s experiences across society and their involvement in legitimate but unofficial medical information sharing? What other early evidence can be found of women in medicine in the RCP records? Which famous doctor and suffragist campaigned for the RCP to finally accept women members? Who were some of the women who paved the way for female doctors, members, fellows and president’s of the RCP?

Discover these stories and many more.

Drop in to explore the exhibition and collections non display 5.30pm – 8pm, and at 6pm or 7pm join a specialist Women’s History Month tour featuring examples from the Healing words exhibition and our wider collections.
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