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The Crucifixion

The Crucifixion

This Easter Halstead Choral invite you to join them as they perform John Stainer's The Crucifixion. Under the direction of their Conductor James Davey, with Organ and Pianist Nigel Brown and delighted to be joined by soloists James Beddoe, Tenor and James Priest, Bass for this Oratorio. First performed in 1887 by Marylebone Parish Church choir, for whom it was composed, this Oratorio remained firmly in choral repertoire and was described as the most important English work on the Passion by Howard E. Smither.

Complimenting this reflective piece Halstead Choral will also perform Oratorio choruses from some of our favourite composers including Haydn, Handel and Mendelssohn.

As an extra treat for our fantastic soloists for The Crucifixion will also delight with solo performances.

Halstead Choral are providing refreshments for concert goers during the interval.

Pre-ordering tickets recommended. Booking fees apply – tickets available on the door depending on capacity.
event dateSaturday 5 April
venue addressThe United Reform Church Kings Road, Halstead, Essex CO9 1HJ
event timesDoors open 7.15pm

Concert starts at 7.30pm

Tickets £15 per adult & £5 per child (under 18's)
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