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venue addressHerbert Street Pontardawe South Wales SA8 4ED
event dateThursday 10 April
event times7.30PM
£16.50 Standard
£15.40 Concession
telephone 01792863722 for latest times or cancellations.
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Ers gorffen gyda’i gariad, Wini, mae Gwion yn gweld nad yw’n gallu fforddio byw ar ben ei hun. Diolch byth, mae ei hen ffrind, Iwan, angen gwely. Ond yw pethau wir ar ben rhwng Gwion a Wini? Drama ysgafn am dri pherson hunanol yn ymladd dros lety yn ystod yr argyfwng costau byw.

Since breaking up with his girlfriend, Wini, Gwion realises that he cannot afford to live alone. Thankfully, his old friend, Iwan, needs a place to stay. But are things really over between Gwion and Wini? A comedy about three selfish people fighting over accommodation during the cost-of-living crisis.

Dishgled ‘da Del gan / by Cai Llewelyn Evans

Mae’r shock jock carismatig Del Tozer yn cyffroi ei gwrandawyr selog ar TARAN FM yn ddyddiol gyda’i sylwadau milain ar fywyd modern. Ond pan ddaw gwestai ifanc â phersbectif amgen ar y byd a phechodau’r gorffennol i mewn i’r stiwdio, a oes perygl mai hanes Del ei hun fydd yn cael ei roi o dan y chwyddwydr?

The charismatic shock jock Del Tozer excites her devoted listeners daily on TARAN FM with her savage comments on modern life. But when a young guest with an alternative perspective on the world and the sins of the past enters the studio, is there a danger that Del's own history will be put under the spotlight?

99’er gan / by Ceri Ashe

Pan mae tad Elen yn marw yn sydyn, mae'n neidio ar y trên nesaf o Lundain nôl i Sir Benfro, ac yna'n ffeindio’i hun yn gweithio yn fan hufen iâ’r teulu:

Pan ti’n ifanc a meddwl am bod yn thirties ti, ti’n meddwl, wow, byddai mor sorted erbyn ‘nny - prynu ty, job teidi, dim overdraft….blinco - a bam it’s your thirties a ‘sdim lot wedi newid!”

When Elen's father dies suddenly, she jumps on the next train from London back to Pembrokeshire, and finds herself working in the family’s ice-cream shop:

When you're young and imagine being thirty, you think, wow, everything will be sorted - a house, a job, no overdraft.... blink - and bam, it's your thirties

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