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VE Day 80th Celebration

venue addressNorth Enfield Conservative Club London EN1 3LD
event dateSaturday 10 May
event timesTickets £30.00pp
Doors open 11am
telephone 0208 366 9674 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

VE Day 80th Celebration

This year’s VE Day, 8th May, marks the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. Join us in this shared moment of celebration on Saturday 10th May where we will celebrate this pivotal day in our modern history with an afternoon of music.

We will be holding a traditional English afternoon tea while Southgate Opera serenade you all with renditions of classic 1940s songs. Of course, there’ll be singing-a-long and dancing-a-long to the likes of Glenn Miller and Vera Lynn.

80 years on, this is one of the final Second World War anniversaries for the country to mark alongside those who lived through it; The Greatest Generation.

Buy your tickets today for this truly one off event.