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Durufle Requiem and Motets, and Vaughan Williams' Five Mystical Songs

venue addressSolihull School Chapel Warwick Road, Solihull, West Midlands B91 3DJ
event dateSaturday 29 March
event timesConcert starts at 19.30
Tickets from www.solihullchoral.org.uk or on the door
Adults £17, Group of 4 adults £60, Students aged 6 or over £5
Ticket prices include a programme and an interval drink is provided.
telephone 07974178504 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Durufle Requiem and Motets, and Vaughan Williams' Five Mystical Songs

Solihull Choral Society presents this wonderful programme of music for our Spring concert.
The Durufle Requiem of 1947 is a sublime choral work based on Gregorian plainsong from the Mass for the Dead . It will be performed as duet with the organ and punctuated with Baritone solos. The companion Motets , similarly based on plainsong ,will be sung a cappella.
The ‘Five mystical songs’ are settings of poems by the 16C priest and poet George Herbert featuring our Baritone Soloist THEO PERRY
Our Conductor will be DAVID RICE and the Organist ,CALLUM ALGER