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Wurlitzer 100. Celebrating the Centenary of the Rye Wurlitzer

The Rye Wurlitzer is 100 years old on April 6th and we celebrate its centenary with a very special Variety Show featuring Master Ventriloquist and Britain's Got Talent Finalist Steve Hewlett , Former Minstrel Singer Peter Chapman. From the Midlands Cameron Lloyd playing a tribute to Blackpool Tower Legend Reginald Dixon , plus Internationally acclaimed Theatre Organist Michael Wooldridge who will accompany a Buster Keaton Silent Movie.
Ticket price includes a Cream Tea along with tea and coffee.
Reservations should be made in advance due to the special nature of this event
event dateSunday 6 April
venue addressRye Theatre, Rye College, East Sussex TN31 7QN
event times£18.00 per person to include Cream Tea and Interval drinks.
The Concert starts at 2.30pm with an estimated finishing time of 5.45pm
telephone 01424 444058 for latest times or cancellations.
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