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Two one-act plays by Leicestershire playwright David Campton

venue addressQuorn Village Hall, Loughborough Road, Quorn, Leicestershire LE12 8BB
event dateThu 13 Mar to Saturday 15 March
event timesTickets are £10 each (no conc.) and available on line via the NQSC website, QR code on the poster or from The Old School Tearooms, School Lane, Quorn. Curtain up is at 7.30pm and there will be refreshments available at the interval.
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Two one-act plays by Leicestershire playwright David Campton

'A Smell of Burning' and 'Us & Them' are two plays by Leicestershire playwright David Campton. Written in the 1970's, when Campton was working with the likes of Alan Ayckbourne and Joe Orton, these two plays are still surprisingly relevant today. In the hands of the ever-inventive New Quorndon Shakespeare Company this production promises a highly amusing and entertaining evening.