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Stockport Beer and Cider Festival

venue addressStockport Guild Hall, 169-171 Wellington Road South, Cheshire SK1 3UA
event dateThu 19 Jun to Saturday 21 Jun 2025
event timesThursday 5.30pm to 11pm, Friday noon to 11pm and Saturday noon to 10pm
Entry £5
On-line packages start at £16.50 including £10 of beer, a refundable glass and half priced entry (if bought before 31st May - price increases by £1 from 1st June)
telephone 07917596751 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Stockport Beer and Cider Festival

Don't miss our mid-summer merriment! The Stockport Beer and Cider Festival provides excellent beer, cider and perry (around 250 beers and ciders) , all with a special Stockport welcome, while adding that bit more. Enjoy great live entertainment, a variety of hot and cold food , Special Festival Ale, stalls, a programme, souvenir T-shirts, refundable souvenir glasses and a marvellous atmosphere! Families are very welcome outside and disabled access is available in all areas.

With plenty of seating and outside drinking available come down and enjoy the summer sunshine while you drink your beer and cider!